Your Humble Writer.

Hello and welcome to ill.logic.

My name is Aleyah and I appreciate that you’ve made your way to my Substack.

What you’ll find in this newsletter:

  • political and cultural commentary

  • my thoughts on books, films, music, and other forms of entertainment

  • probably some stuff about my dog

  • my general outlook and perspective on life in the modern day

  • pretty much no “expert” takes on any of the above

  • hopefully something you feel connected enough to that you click Subscribe

To post or not to post? is the question I’ve dealt with for at least two years now. On one hand, I want my voice heard. I want to speak up for my beliefs and values. I want to be a writer so badly some days that it hurts to do anything else…

Then the day ends and I doubt myself, so I never tell anyone about my projects. I sit in front of the computer for hours and shit talk myself until I have no creativity left.

The struggle is fucking real.

So, this Substack project is the equivalent of me putting my big girl pants on. Thanks again for being here.

Why ‘ill.logic’?

I actually didn’t want to go with this name. I played with a few others, but it was becoming an unnecessarily long process.

So, I was stuck on ‘ill.logic’ because:

  1. I love playing on words.

  2. ‘ill’ can mean ‘bad’ and sometimes I’m guilty of using bad logic. Also, sometimes other people are guilty of that, too.

  3. ‘ill’ can also mean ‘sick,’ as in ‘dope’ or ‘hella cool’ and sometimes I make good points. And so do other people.

  4. Above all, the modern day continues to shock me with how absolutely backwards - and illogical - it is becoming.

So, yeah. The title is my own way of providing a disclaimer to subscribers.

I’m only human. I’m not promising perfection.

Subscribers? Possibly you!

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Newsletters from one of the few millennials who doesn't vote with their feelings.


Just a lady in her late 20's who's mad as hell at the world.