Very sensitive subject. First let me say upfront I have abiut 80K in school debt. My wife the same. We were also sold a bill of goods if you want to advance in your job, you need a degree. The hire your aim, higher the standard. 10k is a drop in the bucket for the average school debtor. People are freaking out and whining about its not fair. They're all falling for the trick. Divide and conquer. Conservatives are turning people's good fortune of help into villainous actions. When the election comes, people like myself aren't going to support candidates who think I'm bad for accepting the 10k. You know what, I pay more taxes than most of them and they can kiss my ass. I'll gladly take anything since I already subsidize their salaries, welfare, and bullshit with my share of taxes. Biden did this empty gesture to separate the right and it worked. It's my turn for some free shit!
Very sensitive subject. First let me say upfront I have abiut 80K in school debt. My wife the same. We were also sold a bill of goods if you want to advance in your job, you need a degree. The hire your aim, higher the standard. 10k is a drop in the bucket for the average school debtor. People are freaking out and whining about its not fair. They're all falling for the trick. Divide and conquer. Conservatives are turning people's good fortune of help into villainous actions. When the election comes, people like myself aren't going to support candidates who think I'm bad for accepting the 10k. You know what, I pay more taxes than most of them and they can kiss my ass. I'll gladly take anything since I already subsidize their salaries, welfare, and bullshit with my share of taxes. Biden did this empty gesture to separate the right and it worked. It's my turn for some free shit!