While I agree with most of the sentiment in your thoughts, I am curious if you have any ideas for solutions to the issue, aside from changing our collective mentality toward being responsible gun owners. What about the ridiculous, disproportionate amount of influence that the modern NRA has over our government? I say "modern" because the NRA formed originally to assist Union soldiers with marksmanship and help regulate gun ownership, while now they spend most of their time (and inordinate amount of money) lobbying against any form of gun control or regulation.

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Hey Brady. Thanks for asking this question. To be completely honest with you, I've never looked into the NRA and would not be able to say one way or the other if I'm in favor of their existence. What I can tell you is that I am not a fan of how expansive the government has become, and that includes (perhaps even due to?) things like lobbying. So, if I havent read you incorrectly, it seems like we've got common ground there as well. If someone or some organization - especially a wealthy organization - has their hand up a politician's ass like a puppet, theres room for a lot of corruption and fucking over of the little guy.

You asked for what my solution is other than changing mindsets. My solution isnt anything grandiose. It's not a law or regulation because, honestly, that would contradict my previous statement about disliking how overbearing the government currently is. So, without laws or fines or penalties, what change can I actually call for? Sure, I could just say my solution is to strip all gun regulations immediately and I'd remain logically consistent; however, we've become so sensitized to this subject that I think this would cause more chaos and divide the country even more if it happened (hence why I would like people to change their thinking around this).

So without an official law or the stripping away of an official law, what else is there?

To put it simply: I want people to be as independent and responsible for themselves as possible. Regarding this topic, it means people taking the time out to be comfortable with firearms and understanding that guns are not evil, but people can be.

A sort of general theme of my writing is essentially based on the explanation above. I just hope to either enlighten or provoke people into taking on a perspective that might encourage them to find true power within themselves and the choices they make, rather than looking to government as a cure-all.

I really hope this doesn't come off as a non-answer, but instead provides more context.

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Loved the thought driven comparison of guns to magic wands! The forefathers wrote the Constitution in a way that protects its citizens from tyranny by its own leaders. We didn't have a military then, so an armed militia was the people! They understood that our country would grow to be very powerful and only the people running it could bring it down. Each amendment addresses this issue. To use your analogy from movies, it prevents the Hunger Games! Great topic Aleyah 👏 👍 👌 🙌

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Very well put, Uncle Bill. I've been saying that the world was looking more and more like the damn Hunger Games for a long time. I just wanna be a part - no matter how small - of the reason why that discontinues.

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